Sir Ringo Starr Gets Knighted, 2nd and Last of the Beatles to Get the Honor - GistBuz


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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sir Ringo Starr Gets Knighted, 2nd and Last of the Beatles to Get the Honor

Ringo Starr Hard Day's Knight

3/20/2018 6:52 AM PDT

Breaking News

You can officially put a "Sir" on it -- Ringo Starr took a knee Tuesday morning and received his Knighthood, a mere 21 years after Sir Paul McCartney ... but no one's counting, right?

The Beatles drummer was dubbed into the club, of royal knights by Prince William at Buckingham Palace. Aside from Paul ... he joins Elton John, Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger as the biggest rock stars to get the honor. Bono got an honorary knighthood ... that's why he doesn't get the Sir treatment.

Of course, it's debatable why it took so long for the 77-year-old Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Famer to get knighted. 

John Lennon and George Harrison won't get it at all -- current rules require honorees to be living. Mostly everyone would agree Paul deserved it in 1997, and would also buy Ringo getting it AFTER Paul ... but TWO decades after??? 

Sure, Paul wrote the songs, but someone played the drums on those hits ... someone had to lay down the beat for The Beatles!

We're sure Ringo ain't complaining. Just peace and love, peace and love, baby.


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