Daniel Bryan Medically Cleared To Wrestle In WWE After 2 Years Out - GistBuz


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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Daniel Bryan Medically Cleared To Wrestle In WWE After 2 Years Out

WWE's Daniel Bryan Medically Cleared to Wrestle ... After Over 2 Years Out

3/20/2018 12:23 PM PDT

Breaking News


Four-time world champ Daniel Bryan is BACK -- medically cleared to return to the ring after over 2 years away from pro wrestling ... the WWE just announced.

The 36-year-old announced his early retirement in Feb. 2016 after suffering "at least 10" concussions and post-concussive seizures ... but the WWE says he's got the green light to strap on the boots after seeing a number of leading neurosurgeons and neurologists, as well as the WWE's Medical Director.

Bryan has been serving as the GM of 'SmackDown Live' ... but this effectively opens the door for him to compete at WrestleMania 34 in April.

Story developing ... 

from TMZ.com http://ift.tt/2GM3bq0

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