LeBron James Says Racists Don't Care About My Money, 'N-Word' Graffiti Was Proof - GistBuz


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Thursday, February 15, 2018

LeBron James Says Racists Don't Care About My Money, 'N-Word' Graffiti Was Proof

LeBron James Racists Don't Care About My Money 'N-Word' Graffiti Was Proof

2/15/2018 12:22 PM PST

LeBron James is letting the world know the disgusting, racist words spray painted on his home in 2017 were no fluke ... 'cause despite all his money and fame, he's still a target for racists.

We broke the story ... LeBron's old Brentwood home (he's since bought a new place in the neighborhood) was defaced back in 2017, with someone tagging the home with the n-word while the family was away.

LBJ took a ride with Kevin Durant & Cari Champion for Champion's show, "Rolling With The Champion," and talked about the incident, saying it was a reminder his status doesn't insulate him from racists.

"I'm a black man with a bunch of money, and having a crib in Brentwood and having the word n***** spray painted over my gate, that lets you know I ain't too far removed."

You can hear the sincerity in LeBron's voice, and he spoke at length about the fact that he still feels like bigoted scumbags don't care about what you have, just what color you are.

"They will always try to figure out a way to let you know you're still beneath them."

from TMZ.com http://ift.tt/2BwfTIS

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