FOX, Guillermo del Toro Sued, 'Shape of Water' Ripped Off My Famous Dad's Play - GistBuz


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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

FOX, Guillermo del Toro Sued, 'Shape of Water' Ripped Off My Famous Dad's Play

FOX, Guillermo del Toro Sued 'Shape of Water' Ripped Off My Famous Dad

2/21/2018 2:15 PM PST


"The Shape of Water" doesn't deserve a Best Picture Oscar, it deserves one for Best Ripoff ... according to the family of a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright.

David Zindel says his father, Paul Zindel, wrote a 1969 play called, "Let Me Hear You Whisper" ... the story of a lonely female janitor who works graveyard shifts at a lab that performs animal experiments for military use. She becomes infatuated with a "fantastic, intelligent aquatic creature held captive in a glass tank."

Spoiler alert: That's 'Shape of Water' to a T.

Paul Zindel died in 2003. Zindel is suing FOX Searchlight and director Guillermo del Toro on behalf of the family trust Paul set up for his children.

Zindel is seeking all the profits from the Oscar nominated film, and an injunction blocking it from further showings in theaters.


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